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Sometimes, when parents are asked to give for approval their child’s assessment, they respond immediately with denial. Parents can feel overwhelmed by the information they are being presented, and they may feel guilty or fear that they are being blamed for their child’s difficulties.
To overcome denial it is best to provide information clearly and without implying blame. Also, it is often helpful to involve a counselor in consultations between parents and teachers. In addition, other parents who have experienced a similar situation may be able to assist parents in coming to terms with the possibility that their child has special needs.
Feelings of denial are completely normal, but must be addressed quickly and for the benefit of the child, it is best to ‘get on’ with what needs to be done. The earlier the acceptance, and required intervention, the more chances of the gaps being filled, and the child reaching his/her potential.

Delayed acceptance will lead to delayed action and in turn disappointing consequences for the child’s development