Related Topics of Inclusive Education

A definite action plan For INCLUSIVE EDUCATION
How prepared do you feel to teach students with disabilities? To be prepared you need planning.
It is very important for educators at all levels, to understand the concept of special needs and inclusion.
The most important step is to enable teachers to identify kids, which they feel are 'different' and may need special education. This is done through screening checklists which can be easily used by any educator, with a little guidance and training.
After an initial screening, the kids identified as 'Special' by the teacher, need to be assessed formally by experts.
The parents to go through a sensitization process to help them accept the problem and deal with it in a practical way.
IEPs (Individual Education Plans) are made by experts, for each child diagnosed with a disability.
The intervention programmes by special educators on a regular basis.
Regular monitoring and assessments and feedback sessions with parents and teachers are a must.
With a carefully planned and guided intervention programme, there is a possibility that the child is mainstreamed in due course.
Those children who cannot follow a main stream curriculum even after special intervention, should be given optional choices of following an open school programme or pre-vocational skill building programmes.
Mainstream Educators Need to Know....
That a variety of circumstances that affect the way in which a child learns.
Some children with special needs are gifted and require special programmes and services to keep them stimulated and motivated.
Other children with special needs may have one or more mental, emotional or physical challenge.
All children are unique.
All children are capable of learning.
All children regardless of their unique strengths and challenges , have a right to an education programme that meets their needs.